Unapologetic Wine Mom
3 min readSep 5, 2020


Is Authenticity in Relationships Important or Overrated? How do you build it?

Authenticity and transparency in friendships within the body of the Messiah are rare but necessary. Without genuineness, relationships fail. Or remain shallow and fall by the wayside.

What is Transparency in a Relationship?

1. Having the property of transmitting rays of light so that bodies can be distinctly seen through; pervious to light; diaphanous; pellucid; as transparent glass; a transparent diamond; opposed to opake.

transparent relationships accepting and knowing each other with authenticity

2. Admitting the passage of light; open porous; as a transparent vail.

Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

Next, let’s apply these definitions to our relationships. Just ponder transparency for a moment. Do you have any transparent relationships? Do you think you should?

As scary as it may seem to allow another human being to see the real you, relationships without authenticity are seldom satisfying. Having a spouse and/or friend that accepts you for exactly who you are and where you are at is a beautiful thing.

Authentic Friendships Definition; Hearing Each Other

Knowing that those you are in a close relationship with are willing to try to understand you and listen to your perspective should a disagreement come up is beyond priceless.

authentic friendship - is it worth it?

Without a doubt, people who are able to step outside of their perspectives to try to understand someone else make the best sort of friends. Likewise, those who are not offended when someone thinks differently than they do, are a joy to be around.

How to Build Authentic Friendships

In her article How to Create Authentic Friendship

Dr. Gail Gross states

Friends should be loyal and validate you, be there when you need them, support your dreams and goals, be mutual and trustworthy.

Do you ever find yourself insisting on your perspective as correct? Shutting another person down without putting some effort into hearing and understanding what they are desiring to communicate? This is an area we can all grow in and mature in. Sooner rather than later.

You will find that folks willing to get past themselves are a rare and precious breed. But hold out for those friends! They are worth the love and delight they will bring to your life. Be discerning and take an honest look at the current friendships you are putting time into.

See my posts that show the opposite of authentic friendships and how to build them — difficult people and when friendships go wrong.

The lack of divisiveness in a transparent friendship or marriage is extraordinary. When you take the effort to be open and ‘see through’ and your counterpart does the same — you have the makings for a Jonathan and David friendship.

1 Corinthians 13 Love

The ability to bear one another’s burdens in the passion of 1 Corinthians 13 is worth dying to ourselves and loving each other in the same way as we love ourselves.

This post is dedicated to my authentic friend, Gloria.
And to my amazing transparent husband. I love you Hubby!

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Does Forgiveness Mean Reconciliation?
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Unapologetic Wine Mom

Mindful wine drinking, drink less - enjoy more! Self-growth through introspection and authenticity.